
Grant Proposal Main Idea

1. A clear detailed description of the Project, including particular outputs or products the Project will generate, any arguments and ideas the Project will put forth, and the need for the Project;
2. An explanation of how the Project builds on existing efforts or charts new terrain;

3. A description of the Project's expected impact and how you might measure it;
The impact hope directly once the project have done

4. A detailed account of how you will achieve your goals, including a communications and/or outreach strategy;

5. The reasons you are especially suited to carry out this Project;

6. A description of how you expect the Project to fit into your career trajectory and future work;

7. A Project timeline;

8. An explanation of how placement in an OSI entity or a related institution could add value to the Project;

9. Estimated Fellowship Expenses (USD) incl. travel & hotels, research assistance, conference fees, health insurance, etc. Can be attached as a separate document;

10. Any other relevant information about the Project.

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